Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


  1. We learn from the past....take care of today so we will have a tomorrow. Nature truly is the best teacher. I love the pictures. They really say all that needs to be said. Bonnie

    1. Bonnie, you're a gem. Yes, the rhythm of life is a great teacher.

  2. Can't decide which I prefer most, Faisal. I have a snow gum that looks much like the bottom one - the main stem having died. At least the rabbits turn up their noses at it. D

    1. Snow gums are gorgeous, David. My school had a property in the Victorian alps where we'd go for character-building hikes. The best part was the scenery, where snow-gums grew naturally, gnarled and twisted.
      I bet your bunnies have got a million better things to eat!

  3. I think it is a snow gum, I've got a semi - mature one, and have planted two little ones nearby deciding I wanted a group. they look just like that. Since I'm in the suburbs, we don't seem to have rabbits. (I'm not superstitious but touch wood just in case). I love this post. My only serious objection to it is that I wish I had thought of it first.

  4. Lovely Catmint, it's actually, I'm pretty certain, one of the West Australian red-flowering gums, which I'm very fond of - the sapling, you mean? I wish I DID have some snow gums. There ARE rabbits hereabouts though, and foxes, whose scent Zara gets all keyed up about ( I wonder who might eat who ). I should have made it clear what it was.

  5. If there were rabbits here I suspect Potter would probably try to make friends with them. She tries to make friends whenever she meets a cat, and seems quite puzzled when they respond by hissing and raising their fur in an extremely unfriendly way.

    1. Your dog is called 'Potter'?! How did Potter come by such a name? He/she sounds like a bountifully friendly creature!

    2. She is very friendly to all except large dogs that she barks and growls at in a stupidly suicidal way. She is called Potter because I happened to be reading the first Harry Potter book soon after it was published. I thought it was an ordinary book headed for obscurity, but it gave me the idea for the new puppy's name. Because of HP people generally assume she is male. Like Zara she is my soul mate, a soul mate with the occasional flea.

    3. Funnily enough, Catmint, I thought the same about Harry Potter and could only stomach a few pages!
      I love it as a doggy name though, like she's pottering about!
