Thursday, March 21, 2013

As Ghostly Goes

All over the place, branches are coming down. Wild, winding winds have carpeted the ground with pick-up sticks of branches, too many to count. Besides which, ghosts don't count. They just chuck things about.
Zara belies her gentleness with courage. Like me, she doesn't believe in ghosts, but she's observant of phenomena. When the wind whips up, it's good to get out there into it for a while. We say, "hhmm".
There's nothing orderly in this disorder, but it's a disorder that's soothing, in its random, let-it-happen way. Already I am making a garden out of these bits. I don't need a magazine to tell me what's OK, any more than Zara needs a menu to discern upheaval, tangents or side-swipes.


  1. Branches down, wild winds - I hope you were far away from the disastrous tornado this week. Windy here too, in fact there's quite a large branch dangling in my secret garden. Too high for me to reach safely but too dangerous to leave where it is. A job for my son I think. Love that photo of Zara investigating. Our little Peggy is kept busy all day herding lizards and guarding the borders. Enjoy autumn!

    1. Thanks Carol! You never quite know what you're getting from the skies these days, do you?! That tornado would have been terrifying. The winds we had here were nothing in comparison. I'm glad your Peggy's productively occupied!

  2. It has been blowing a terrible north wind all last week (it finally stopped yesterday)
    It has been terrible. -10C and north wind is not fun, I can tell you.
    But, thankfully(?), no ghosts here either ;)

    1. Ow, Demie! Our winds have been nothing like that. You must be yearning for spring and a bit of sunshine! Nice to hear from you.
